
Update Date:2024-04-19

April 19 2024 GMT+8:00

Documents Before Taiwan's WTO Accession-5
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-13
  • Effective Date:2003-11-24
1.Accession of Chinese Taipei(TPKM/9)
2.Accession of Chinese Taipei(TPKM/9/Corr.1)
3.Accession of Chinese Taipei(TPKM/9/Rev.1)
4. Accession of Chinese Taipei(TPKM/9/Rev.2)
5.Accession of Chinese Taipei(WTACCSPECTPKM9)
6.Accession of Chinese Taipei(WTACCSPECTPKM9R1)
7.Accession of Chinese Taipei(TPKM/10)
8.Accession of Chinese Taipei(WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/10)
9.Accession of Chinese Taipei(WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/10/Rev.1)
10.Accession of Chinese Taipei(WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/11)
11.Accession of Chinese Taipei(TPKM/11)
12.Accession of Chinese Taipei(TPKM/13)
13.Accession of Chinese Taipei(TPKM/14)
14.Accession of Chinese Taipei(TPKM/14/Add.1)
15.Accession of Chinese Taipei(TPKM/14/Corr.1)
16.Accession of Chinese Taipei(TPKM/15)
17.Accession of Chinese Taipei(TPKM/16)
  2. doc WTACCTPKM9C1.doc
  3. doc WTACCTPKM9R1.doc
  4. doc WTACCTPKM9R2.doc
  5. doc WTACCTPKM10.doc
  6. doc WTACCTPKM11.doc
  7. doc WTACCTPKM13.doc
  8. doc WTACCTPKM14.doc
  9. doc WTACCTPKM14A1.doc
  10. doc WTACCTPKM14C1.doc
  11. doc WTACCtpkm15.doc
  12. doc WTACCTPKM16.doc
  13. doc WTACCSPECTPKM10.doc
  14. doc WTACCSPECTPKM10R1.doc
  15. doc WTACCSPECTPKM11.doc
  16. doc WTACCSPECTPKM9.doc
  17. doc WTACCSPECTPKM9R1.doc
  18. zip

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Subject: Documents Before Taiwan's...
Content: 1.Accession of Chinese Taipei(TPKM/9) 2.Accession of Chinese Taipei(TPKM/9/Corr.1) 3.Accession of Ch...