
Update Date:2024-04-26

April 26 2024 GMT+8:00

Documents Before Taiwan's WTO Accession-6
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-13
  • Effective Date:2003-11-19
1.Accession Of Chinese Taipei(WTO/AIR/1080)
2.Accession Of Chinese Taipei(WTO/AIR/1080/REV.1)
3.Request by the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu for observer status in WTO bodies(WT/L/14)
4.Accession of Chinese Taipei(WTO/AIR/833)
5.Accession of the separate customs territory of Taiwan, Ppenghu, Kinmen and Matsu(WT/SPEC/40)
6.Report on the impact of Taiwan's Accession to the WTO and policies in response
7.Accession commitments on Taiwan's WTO participation
8.Concession Schedule(1) (WT/ACC/SPEC/TPKM/13/Rev.1/Corr.1)
  1. DOC WTAIR1080.DOC
  2. doc WTAIR1080R1.doc
  3. doc WTL14.doc
  4. doc WTAIR833.doc
  5. doc WTSPEC40.doc
  6. doc wtoaccesstion.doc
  7. doc Accession_commitments.doc
  8. doc concession-1.doc
  9. zip

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Subject: Documents Before Taiwan's ...
Content: 1.Accession Of Chinese Taipei(WTO/AIR/1080) 2.Accession Of Chinese Taipei(WTO/AIR/1080/REV.1) 3.Req...