
Update Date:2024-04-19

April 19 2024 GMT+8:00

Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-11
  • Effective Date:2011-10-13
- To protect human health, animals and plants, and reduce harm to the environment.
- This standard specifies the principles for selecting rated withstand voltages and the series of standard withstand voltages for equipment and installations of three-phase a.c. systems.
- This standard stipulates the technical and labelling requirements for distilled spirits and their integrated alcoholic beverages.
- Protection of the environment and human life.
  1. doc gtbtGEN2R4.doc
  2. doc gtbtn11CHN837.doc
  3. doc gtbtn11CHN838.doc
  4. doc gtbtn11CHN839.doc
  5. doc gtbtn11CHN840.doc
  6. doc gtbtn11CHN841.doc
  7. doc gtbtn11CHN842.doc
  8. doc gtbtn11CHN843.doc
  9. doc gtbtn11CHN844.doc
  10. doc gtbtn11CHN845.doc
  11. doc gtbtn11CHN846.doc
  12. doc gtbtn11CHN847.doc
  13. doc gtbtn11ECU79.doc
  14. doc gtbtn11KOR334.doc
  15. doc gtbtn11MEX208A1.doc
  16. doc jobstbt14R1.doc
  17. doc wtair3821.doc

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Subject: Committee on Technical Barrier...
Content: - To protect human health, animals and plants, and reduce harm to the environment. - This standard s...