
Update Date:2024-04-25

April 25 2024 GMT+8:00

Notification-Draft Regulations Governing the Labeling of Bulk Foods
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-11
  • Effective Date:2019-03-19

(1) Food retailers with company registration or business registration:
(a) Bulk foods such as materials other than beef or edible cattle offals must be labelled with the product name and the country of origin or letters with the same meaning.
(b) Bulk foods such as materials containing beef or edible cattle offals must be labelled with the product name, the country of origin and the country of origin of the beef or edible cattle offals or letters with the same meaning; if the contents include a single item of raw beef or edible cattle offals, it is permitted to label just one option i.e. either country of origin of the food or country of origin of the beef or edible cattle offals; in case of foods for baking (roasting) and ready-to-eat foods on-site, the food need only be labelled with the country of origin of the beef or edible cattle offals.
(2) Food retailers without company registration or business registration: Bulk foods such as materials containing beef or edible cattle offals must be labelled with the country of origin of the beef or edible cattle offals or letters with the same meaning.

  1. pdf gspsNTPKM265.pdf

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Subject: Notification-Draft Regulations...
Content: (1) Food retailers with company registration or business registration:(a) Bulk foods such as materia...