
Update Date:2024-05-04

May 6 2024 GMT+8:00

Submission by Switzerland under paragraph 31.1 of the Doha Declaration(TN/TE/W/4)
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-13
  • Effective Date:2009-05-05
1. Switzerland believes that the multilateral trading system has a key role to play in the achievement of global sustainable development. In the framework of multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs), the use of trade measures can, in certain circumstances, enable environmental objectives to be achieved. The relationship between WTO rules and principles and MEA trade provisions is one of the core issues of the debate on trade and the environment. Clarifying the relationship between WTO rules and MEAs would provide greater legal security, make both systems more efficient and enable the necessary links to be established between the legal provisions governing international trade and the environment. It is for this reason that this issue has been formulated as a negotiating mandate in paragraph 31 (i) of the Doha Declaration.

2. Switzerland considers that the terms used in the Doha Declaration need to be clarified (part II). Moreover, there is also a need to examine the principles governing the relationship between WTO rules and specific trade obligations in MEAs (part III) in order to reach a consensus on that relationship (part IV). In this respect, Switzerland supports the submission by the European Communities (TN/TE/W/1).
  1. doc TNTEW4_瑞士.doc

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Subject: Submission by Switzerland unde...
Content: 1. Switzerland believes that the multilateral trading system has a key role to play in the achieveme...