
Update Date:2024-04-24

April 24 2024 GMT+8:00

Submission by Peru under paragraph 31.3 of the Doha Declaration(JOB(09)/177)
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-13
  • Effective Date:2010-02-06
In view of the above, proposals tabled in the WTO which cover only non agricultural products accommodate some Members' interests but fail to reflect the concerns and interests of the majority of the Membership. Thus, it would be reductive to consider them as the sole basis for negotiations to define environmental goods and services.

Overall, Peru endorses the criteria which Brazil sets forth in paragraph 9 of its working paper (JOB(07)/146), in order to arrive at a definition of environmental goods and services: (a) be compatible with sustainable development needs of developing countries; (b) take into account different levels of social and economic development among Members; (c) increase developing countries' participation in the production and international trade of environmental goods; and (d) ensure effective environmental benefits.

The WTO should consider that the promotion of organic agriculture through the elimination or reduction of tariff and non-tariff barriers could turn the production of organic products into a profitable activity capable of helping combat poverty and drug trafficking. It is important to recognize that organic production is associated with productive processes based on ancestral knowledge that protects the environment.
  1. doc JOB(09)177_Peru.doc

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Subject: Submission by Peru under parag...
Content: In view of the above, proposals tabled in the WTO which cover only non agricultural products accommo...