
Update Date:2024-04-18

April 18 2024 GMT+8:00

Submission by Japan under paragraph 31.3 of the Doha Declaration(TN/TE/W/75.A2)
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-13
  • Effective Date:2011-01-14
In response to the Chair’s work plan provided on 2 October 2009, Japan has submitted its proposals for environmental goods and services, TN/TE/W/75 dated 27 November 2009 and TN/TE/W/75/Add.1 dated 16 February 2010, to the Committee on Trade and Environment Special Session (CTESS).
After our internal consideration, Japan hereby submits an addendum proposal to complement the product list in the previous proposal, attaching the additional list of products which are considered to be environmental goods as well and shall be identified by ex-outing the described products from the listed tariff lines coded by the six-digit Harmonized System (HS) 2002.
The items proposed hereto are illustrated without prejudice to Japan’s final positions on the specific items and Japan reserves the right to make further modifications to the items in the broader context of subsequent negotiations.
  1. doc w75a2.doc

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Subject: Submission by Japan under para...
Content: In response to the Chair’s work plan provided on 2 October 2009, Japan has submitted its p...