
Update Date:2024-04-29

April 29 2024 GMT+8:00

Taiwan Registered an Official Complaint to the WTO Anti-dumping Committee Against EU’s Application of Targeted Dumping and Zeroing in the Anti-Dumping Interim and Sunset Reviews of PET Products from Taiwan (2007/5/30)
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-13
  • Effective Date:2012-05-21
Post Date : 96-05-30
Since 2000, the EU has imposed anti-dumping duties on imports of polyethylene terephthalate (“PET”) from several countries, including Taiwan. In the recent interim and sunset reviews, the E.U. investigation authority (IA) determined that some of the transactions of Far Eastern Textile (“Far Eastern”), a Taiwanese producer and exporter of PET, were to apply to the conditions of the so-called “targeted dumping”. Then the EU IA used a non-traditional methodology—“weighted-average to transaction” methodology— and zeroing to re-calculate Far Eastern’s dumping margin, which led to a 3.5% dumping margin — exceeding the criteria of “de minimis” — for Far Eastern in the final determination of its interim and sunset reviews. However, if the IA had calculated Far Eastern’s dumping margin by “weighted-average to weighted-average” methodology or even “weighted-average to transaction “ without using zeroing, all of the dumping margins of this company would have been lower than 2% (de minimis).
Regarding this case, the Taiwan government and Far Eastern have provided sufficient documents and data to the IA within the period of review to claim that this should not be a targeted dumping case, nor should the IA have used zeroing in its calculation. Despite having expressed the same concerns directly to the EU investigating authority, Taiwan feels that the EU’s final determination is to its dissatisfaction.

Therefore, Taiwan has registered it official concern by moving an extempore motion in the regular meeting of the Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices, and would like to seek opportunities to further discuss this matter with the EU in the near future.

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Subject: Taiwan Registered an Official ...
Content: Post Date : 96-05-30 Since 2000, the EU has imposed anti-dumping duties on imports of polyethylene t...