Business Forum for the 2021 Saudi Arabia-Taiwan Week


In order to facilitate cooperation opportunities between Taiwan and Saudi Arabia, the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and the Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT) under the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) held the Business Forum for the 2021 Saudi Arabia-Taiwan Week on September 7. Speakers such as Mr. Mohammad Alajlan, Vice Chairman of Ajlan & Bros., Dr. Guo-An Chiao, President of the Smart City Committee, CIECA, Ms. Janice Chou, Sales Manager of Advantech iCity Services, and Mr. Steve Liu, Vice President of Master Transportation Bus Manufacturing Ltd., were invited to share views about possible business opportunities in Saudi Arabia.

Ms. Cynthia Kiang, Director General of the BOFT in her opening remark, said that Taiwan and Saudi Arabia have a profound trade and business relationship and that Saudi Arabia is Taiwan's key partner in the Middle East. In recent years, Saudi Arabia has been promoting the "Saudi Vision 2030" to diversify its economy and develop public services in the petrochemical, information communication, automotive and spare parts, medical and solar energy industries, all of which are among Taiwan's outstanding sectors. DG Kiang emphasized that the event would further strengthen industrial and investment opportunities between Taiwan and Saudi Arabia.


This marked the first time for the Saudi-Arabia Taiwan Week to be held. The event included a business forum and matchmaking conferences. In addition, a website ( was set up to display products from both countries. The aforementioned activities will build bridges for industry, technology and culture exchanges between both countries, and the event will become an excellent platform for companies from both sides to discuss potential cooperation opportunities. Everyone is invited to visit the link ( to watch the live broadcast of the opening ceremony.
