Taiwan-Vietnam Economic Relations

2024-08-26 First Bilateral Trade Division


Taiwan and Vietnam share a close and steadily growing bilateral trade relationship. Bilateral trade between Taiwan and Vietnam totaled US$23.2 billion in 2023, for a decrease of 12.6%, substaining Vietnam as our 5th largest trading partner. Meanwhile, Taiwan's exports to Vietnam totaled 18.4 billion in 2023, for a decrease of 18.6%, and Taiwan's imports from Vietnam amounted to 4.7 billion in 2023, for a decrease of 7.4% over 2022.



According to statistics from the Ministry of Planning and Investment in Vietnam, from 1988 to July 2024, Taiwan's FDI to Vietnam amounted to US$40.3 billion, making Taiwan Vietnam's 4th-largest source of FDI. Taiwan's major investments in Vietnam are in processing , manufacturing , architecture, real estate, and etc.

According to statistics from the Investment Commission of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, from 1988 to July 2024, Vietnam has invested around 73.7 million US dollars in Taiwan, with the major targets in wholesale and retailing, manufacturing, accommodation and food service, etc.
