Subject: MOEA Announces Expansion of Ex...
Content: The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) announced on April 6, 2022 an expanded export controls list ...
The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) announced on April 6, 2022 an expanded export controls list with regard to the Russian Federation (Russia) in order to comply with international cooperation and enhance regulations on the exportation and flow of strategic high-tech commodities (SHTC) to Russia. Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine has posed a clear threat to international peace. Therefore, since March 1 this year, the MOEA has strictly scrutinized SHTC regulated by the Wassenaar Arrangement for sale to Russia. In referencing the measures taken by other like-minded countries to prevent Russian military use of SHTC, the MOEA has added the dual use "High-Tech Commodities List for Exportation to Russia" (abbreviated as "Russian List"). This List shall take effect from the date of announcement. The MOEA announced the "Russian List" pursuant to Item 3 of Article 13 of the Foreign Trade Act. The 57 controlled commodities included on the List are synchronized and substantially similar to those of allies. The List is encoded by the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN), which is also used in the current "Export Control List for Dual Use Items and Technology and Common Military List" in Taiwan. Exporters must apply for an export license from the Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT) to export the aforementioned commodities to Russia. The MOEA reminds exporters to abide by the regulations and conduct due diligence before transaction. To facilitate exporters' understanding of the Russian List and compliance with the new regulation, more information about the Harmonized System codes and the ECCN are provided on BOFT's website. Link: