Taiwan Expo 2024: Bridging Innovation and Collaboration with Thailand


The Taiwan Expo 2024 in Thailand, promoted by the International Trade Administration (TITA) under the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), opened on November 21 in Bangkok, Thailand. This year's Expo featured 170 leading Taiwanese companies that showcased innovations in 5 key industries: smart manufacturing, smart medical care, the circular economy, smart lifestyles, and culture & tourism, under the theme "Explore Tomorrow's Innovations at the Taiwan Expo 2024".

TITA's Director General Cynthia Kiang stated in her welcoming remarks that the Taiwan Expo has become the premier platform for strengthening economic, technological, and cultural cooperation between Thailand and Taiwan. Since Taiwan excels in advanced technology, ICT, and machinery, it is conducive for partnering with Thailand's manufacturing prowess, thereby presenting both sides with unique opportunities for collaboration in the sectors of smart medicine, green technology, and carbon reduction technology.

Director General Kiang also highlighted the "Taiwan Select" section, which showcased Taiwan's high-quality food products to promote the diverse culinary charm of Taiwan and help Taiwanese food enterprises enter global markets.

For more detailed information on the Taiwan Expo 2024 in Thailand, please visit the official website: https://thai.taiwanexpoasean.com/zh-tw/index.html
