
Update Date:2024-09-14

September 14 2024 GMT+8:00

Draft Cancún Ministerial Text_Presented by Dr. Derbez
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2003-09-13
  • Effective Date:2024-06-11

1. We reaffirm our Declarations made at Doha and the decisions we took there. We take note of the progress that has been made towards carrying out the Work Programme agreed at Doha, and recommit ourselves to completing it fully. We also renew our determination to conclude the negotiations launched at Doha successfully by the agreed date of 1 January 2005.

2. In pursuance of these objectives, we agree as follows:

  1. pdf Draft ministerial declaration_presented by Dr. Derbez.pdf

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Subject: Draft Cancún Ministerial ...
Content: 1. We reaffirm our Declarations made at Doha and the decisions we took there. We take note of the pr...