
Update Date:2025-02-06

February 6 2025 GMT+8:00

Committee on Agriculture - Notification - Burkina Faso - Export subsidies
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2011-09-20
  • Effective Date:2024-06-11

The notification concerns export subsidy commitments (Table ES:1) for 2010.

  1. doc gagNBFA8.doc
  2. odt gagNBFA8.odt
  3. pdf gagNBFA8.pdf
  4. doc gagNSLV35.doc
  5. odt gagNSLV35.odt
  6. pdf gagNSLV35.pdf
  7. doc gagNSLV36.doc
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Subject: Committee on Agriculture - Not...
Content: The notification concerns export subsidy commitments (Table ES:1) for 2010.