
Update Date:2025-02-06

February 6 2025 GMT+8:00

Committee on Agriculture - Notification
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2011-09-26
  • Effective Date:2024-06-11

The notification concerns new or modified domestic support measures exempt from reduction (Table DS:2).

I. Matters Relevant to the Implementation of Commitments under the Reform Programme: Article 18.6 -- II. Points Raised in Connection with Individual Notifications -- III. Deferred replies.

  1. doc GAGNJPN168C1.doc
  2. odt GAGNJPN168C1.odt
  3. pdf GAGNJPN168C1.pdf
  4. doc GAGNNZL70.doc
  5. odt GAGNNZL70.odt
  6. pdf GAGNNZL70.pdf
  7. doc GAGW87.doc
  8. odt GAGW87.odt
  9. pdf GAGW87.pdf
  10. doc gagNTPKM90.doc
  11. odt gagNTPKM90.odt
  12. pdf gagNTPKM90 .pdf
  13. doc GAGNCAN85.doc
  14. odt GAGNCAN85.odt
  15. pdf GAGNCAN85.pdf
  16. doc gagNJOR14.doc
  17. odt gagNJOR14.odt
  18. pdf gagNJOR14.pdf
  19. doc GAGNTPKM91.doc
  20. odt GAGNTPKM91.odt
  21. pdf GAGNTPKM91.pdf

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Subject: Committee on Agriculture - Not...
Content: The notification concerns new or modified domestic support measures exempt from reduction (Table DS:...