
Update Date:2024-07-27

July 27 2024 GMT+8:00

Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Implementation and administration of the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-11
  • Effective Date:2011-10-03
- This addendum aims to inform that the technical regulation issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, and adopted as a final text by the code G/TBT/N/BRA/386.Add.1, to set the identity and quality requirements for canned sardines which are marketed in Brazil or in external markets
- Technical Regulation concerning quality control of petroleum diesel fuels. The regulation establishes a quality certification in order to carry out the Program for controlling the air pollution from mobile sources.
- Technical regulation for the production of seeds and seedlings in organic production systems.
- OOIT must be amended to precise some provisions and to follow the evolution of the frequency management in Europe..
- Safety and consumer protection- The Bureau of Energy intends to propose an energy efficiency labelling scheme to regulate the energy performance for Instantaneous Gas Water Heaters. The proposed labelling scheme applies to both imported products and domestically manufactured products.
- This final rule provides a new means for manufacturers of electric motors and their private labellers to prepare and submit Compliance Certification information to the Department of Energy
- The Consumer Product Safety Commission ("CPSC", "Commission", or "we") is amending its standard for the flammability of mattresses and mattress pads to revise the ignition source specification in that standard.
  1. doc gtbt2A81R1.doc
  2. doc gtbtn10BRA386A2.doc
  3. doc gtbtn10USA584A2.doc
  4. doc gtbtn10USA590A1.doc
  5. doc gtbtn11BRA446.doc
  6. doc gtbtn11BRA447.doc
  7. doc gtbtn11BRA448.doc
  8. doc gtbtn11CHE138.doc
  9. doc gtbtn11THA391.doc
  10. doc gtbtn11TPKM107.doc

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Subject: Committee on Technical Barrier...
Content: - This addendum aims to inform that the technical regulation issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, ...