
Update Date:2024-07-27

July 27 2024 GMT+8:00

Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade - Notification
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-11
  • Effective Date:2011-09-19
1. The draft Regulation proposes the prohibition of the use of DMF in articles or parts thereof, in concentrations greater than 0.1 mg/kg as well as the placing on the market of articles or parts thereof containing DMF in concentrations greater than 0.1 mg/kg. It makes permanent an existing temporary prohibition adopted under Directive 2001/95/EC on general product safety.

2. regarding a notification from Mexico for the non-portable liquefied petroleum gas containers.
  1. doc gtbtn10MEX201A2.doc
  2. doc gtbtn11CHL180.doc
  3. doc gtbtn11EEC403.doc

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Subject: Committee on Technical Barrier...
Content: 1. The draft Regulation proposes the prohibition of the use of DMF in articles or parts thereof, in ...