
Update Date:2024-07-27

July 27 2024 GMT+8:00

Committee on Trade Related Investment Measures
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-19
  • Effective Date:2011-09-21
1. This report is submitted pursuant to Article 7.3 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures ("TRIMs" Agreement), which requires the Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures (the "Committee") to report annually to the Council for Trade in Goods. The Report covers the period October 2010 – October 2011.

1. Pursuant to Paragraph 18 of the Protocol of Accession of the People's Republic of China, the Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures carried out the ninth and final annual review under China's Transitional Review Mechanism (TRM) at its meeting on 3 October 2011.
  1. doc gtrimsW83.doc
  2. doc gtrimsW84.doc

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Subject: Committee on Trade Related Inv...
Content: 1. This report is submitted pursuant to Article 7.3 of the Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Mea...