
Update Date:2024-09-14

September 14 2024 GMT+8:00

Definitions of Qualification Requirements, Qualification Procedures, Licensing Requirements, Licensing Procedures and Technical Standards
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-12
  • Effective Date:2006-10-17
Definitions of Qualification Requirements, Qualification Procedures, Licensing Requirements, Licensing Procedures and Technical Standards
The following communication, dated 6 October 2005, from the delegation of Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu, is being circulated to the Members of the Working Party on Domestic Regulation.

(i)Qualification requirements: requirements on natural persons that directly relate to the ability to perform a particular service, the fulfilment of which ensures a certain minimum level of knowledge, skills, and competence;
(ii)Qualification procedures: procedures related to the fulfilment and administration of qualification requirements;
(iii)Licensing requirements: requirements on the service supplier for obtaining a license, authorization, permit or permission that go beyond the ability of service suppliers to provide a or the service;
(iv)Licensing procedures: procedures related to the fulfilment and processing of licensing requirements.
(v)Technical standards: standards according to which the service is to be supplied or performed by the service supplier;


  1. doc SWPDRW37.doc

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Subject: Definitions of Qualification R...
Content: Definitions of Qualification Requirements, Qualification Procedures, Licensing Requirements, Licensi...