
Update Date:2024-09-14

September 14 2024 GMT+8:00

Examples of Measures to be Addressed by Disciplines
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-12
  • Effective Date:2003-12-22
The Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu submits the following examples of domestic regulations, relating to licensing requirements, qualification requirements and procedures, technical standards and transparency.
Some of these measures are designed to ensure service quality, or the sustainable operation of certain business concerns. Others are designed to ensure transparency in the disclosure of information to local customers.
I. The following examples appear to meet the requirements set by Members, i.e. specific measures not already covered by the accountancy disciplines, which are also not GATS Article XVI or XVII measures:
  1. doc 920701-ChineseTaipei-RoomDocument.doc

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Subject: Examples of Measures to be Add...
Content: The Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu submits the following examples of...