
Update Date:2024-09-14

September 14 2024 GMT+8:00

Talking Points for Emergency Safeguard Measures by Chinese Taipei in WPGR meetings
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-12
  • Effective Date:2003-12-23
October 28, 2003(paragraph 12,S/WPGR/M/44)
The representative of Chinese Taipei, reacting in a preliminary manner, asked the Swiss delegation to elaborate on the flexibility of GATS in terms of domestic regulation. She wondered why the imposition of different shopping hours for local small shops than for larger stores would not amount to a modification of commitments.

July 2-3, 2003(paragraph 33,S/WPGR/M/43)
The representative of Chinese Taipei said that the existence of an ESM could favour domestic industry's support for trade liberalization. It was time to enter into substantive discussions on the basis of the ASEAN draft agreement. With respect to government procurement, the GATS mandate allowed to discuss any issue. On subsidies, the lack of definition should not impede other work, for instance on categorization. Discussions on trade-distorting subsidies should be based on information provided by Members.
  1. doc ESM--Talking Points .doc

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Subject: Talking Points for Emergency S...
Content: October 28, 2003(paragraph 12,S/WPGR/M/44) The representative of Chinese Taipei, reacting in a preli...