
Update Date:2025-02-06

February 6 2025 GMT+8:00

CTSSS chair summary - INFORMAL MEETING OF 8 APRIL 2019
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2019-05-02
  • Effective Date:2019-05-02

WTO members debated a proposal on market access for tourism and related services at an informal meeting of the Special Session of the Council for Trade in Services held on 8 April. The proposal highlights the importance of the tourism sector for economic development and trade, especially for developing economies.

  1. pdf 1080426_JOBSERV288 - CTSSS chair summary - 8 april.pdf

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Subject: CTSSS chair summary - INFORMAL...
Content: WTO members debated a proposal on market access for tourism and related services at an informal meet...