
Update Date:2024-04-27

April 28 2024 GMT+8:00

Annex 4(a):Agreement on trade in civil aircraft
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-13
  • Effective Date:2003-11-17
Noting that Ministers on 12-14 September 1973 agreed the Tokyo Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations should achieve the expansion and ever-greater liberalization of world trade through, inter alia, the progressive dismantling of obstacles to trade and the improvement of the international framework for the conduct of world trade; Desiring to achieve maximum freedom of world trade in civil aircraft, parts and related equipment, including elimination of duties, and to the fullest extent possible, the reduction or elimination of trade restricting or distorting effects; Desiring to encourage the continued technological development of the aeronautical industry on a world-wide basis; Desiring to provide fair and equal competitive opportunities for their civil aircraft activities and for their producers to participate in the expansion of the world civil aircraft market; Being mindful of the importance in the civil aircraft sector of their overall mutual economic and trade interests;
  1. doc Annex4aero.doc

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Subject: Annex 4(a):Agreement on trade ...
Content: Noting that Ministers on 12-14 September 1973 agreed the Tokyo Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiati...