
Update Date:2024-04-27

April 28 2024 GMT+8:00

Replies to the survey(G/IT/SPEC/Q1/18)
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-13
  • Effective Date:2003-11-13
1. Does your government have mandatory technical regulations to ensure the safety of Information Technology equipment? If so, please identify. Are these requirements harmonized with IEC 950? If not, please explain the current practice.
In accordance with the Commodity Inspection Act and Telecommunications Act, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MOTC) have designated a list of commodities subject to mandatory inspection to ensure their conformity with technical standards prior to their importation and sale on the local market. At present, only the following products covered by the ITA are subject to mandatory standards which are not harmonized with IEC950:

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Subject: Replies to the survey(G/IT/SPE...
Content: 1. Does your government have mandatory technical regulations to ensure the safety of Information Tec...