
Update Date:2024-04-27

April 28 2024 GMT+8:00

Submission by the European Communities-Environmental Goods(31.3)(TN/TE/W/56)
  • Source:International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Published Date:2022-01-13
  • Effective Date:2009-05-05
1. WTO Members will find attached to this note a list of Environmental Goods. This list should be read in conjunction with the earlier EC submission, TN/TE/W/47. It represents an addition to the items covered in part A of the list contained in that submission. On part B the EC stand ready for further discussion. The list as a whole should be seen as “open” in two senses:
- It is not a final or definitive submission but a contribution to the discussion; and
- the environmental credentials of products can vary over time as technologies develop, and a mechanism to update the list is desirable.
2. In line with the approach set out in the earlier submission, the selection of environmental goods is guided by two main principles:
- They contribute to the fulfilment of national and international environmental priorities including Multilateral Environmental Agreements, the Millennium Development Goals (in particular on access to safe water and sanitation), Agenda 21 and the WSSD Plan of Implementation.
- They encompass categories of interest to all WTO Members including developing countries.
  1. doc TNTEW56_歐盟.doc

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Subject: Submission by the European Com...
Content: 1. WTO Members will find attached to this note a list of Environmental Goods. This list should be r...