Essential Facts: Injury Investigation in the Second Sunset Review of the Antidumping Duty Order on Certain Cold-Rolled Stainless Steel Products from China and Korea

Publish Date: December 20, 2024
1.Pursuant to the public notice issued by the International Trade Administration (TITA) of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) on November 29, 2024, regarding a hearing for the antidumping duty case.

2. Information Regarding the Injury Investigation
2.1 Description of the Product Concerned
2.1.1 Product Concerned
Certain Cold-Rolled Stainless Steel Products -- SUS 300 series flat-rolled products of stainless steel, cold-rolled (cold-reduced), whether in coils or sheets, of any width, and a thickness of less than 4.75 mm. For detailed specifications, refer to the public notice issued by the Ministry of Finance (MOF) on August 7, 2024.

2.1.2 Customs Codes (CCC Codes)
The imported product subject to this investigation is classified under the following subheadings of the Customs Import Tariff and Import and Export Commodity Classification of the Republic of China: 7219329011, 7219329012, 7219329019, 7219339011, 7219339012, 7219339019, 7219349011, 7219349012, 7219349019, 7219359011, 7219359012, 7219359019, 7220209011, 7220209012, 7220209019.

2.2 Domestic Like Product
The domestic like product is identical or very similar to the subject product.

2.3 Domestic Industry under Investigation
The domestic producers under investigation are Yieh United Steel Corporation, Tang Eng Iron Works Co., Ltd., Tung Mung Development Co., Ltd.

2.4 Table I shows Taiwan imports of Certain Cold-Rolled Stainless Steel Products (SUS 300 Series), in absolute terms and relative terms. (see Table I of the attached file).

2.5 Table II shows weighted-average prices of domestic and imported Certain Cold-Rolled Stainless Steel Products (SUS 300 series). (see Table II of the attached file).

2.6 Table III shows domestic industry data of Certain Cold-Rolled Stainless Steel Products (SUS 300 series). (see Table III of the attached file).

2.7 Table IV and IV-I show data on Cold-rolled Stainless Steel Products (all series) industries in China and Korea. (see Tables IV and IV-I of the attached file).

3. This above information may be revised later based on evidence and additional information submitted by the interested parties.

4. The injury determination will be made by a simple majority vote at a meeting attended by at least half of all Commissioners of the Trade Remedy Commission of the MOEA. The Commission is chaired by the Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs, who serves as the Convener, and includes four official Commissioners (Deputy or Vice Ministers from relevant government departments) and nine Commissioners with expertise and experience in fields such as industry, economics, trade, finance, taxation, or law.

5. The Regulations Governing the Implementation of the Imposition of Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Duties and information on this investigation can be accessed via the following websites:
