

April 18 2024 GMT+8:00

  • 作者:經濟部國際貿易署            文章公布日期:2012-02-06             最新檢視日期:2019-12-31

My statement is in two parts.  The first part represents Elements for Political Guidance which emerged from the preparatory process.  These Elements were the subject of consensus in the General Council.  They were circulated in document WT/MIN(11)/W/2.  As the General Council Chairman has already assured Members, I wish to reiterate that nothing in this text re-interprets or changes any WTO rules or agreements or prejudices any Member's rights and obligations.  In particular, the Doha mandate remains as formally agreed by Members in its entirety and neither the consensus Elements for Political Guidance in Part I, nor the non-exhaustive summary in Part II of this statement, change or reinterpret it.  Neither the Elements nor my summary are legally binding.


Part II is my summary, under my own responsibility, of the main points which have emerged from the discussions over the past two and a half days. I have also taken into account declarations and written statements submitted by Members. The summary is not exhaustive but I hope that I have captured the key issues. 

  1. doc 第8屆WTO部長會議之大會主席總結聲明.doc
  2. odt 第8屆WTO部長會議之大會主席總結聲明.odt



標題: WTO第8屆部長會議之大會主席總結聲明
內容: My statement is in two parts. The first part represents Elements for Political Guidance which emerg...